The AI Reports


What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is an advanced AI detection service that provides tools for identifying content generated by AI models, like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It offers a range of products, including a Chrome extension, API integration, and add-ons for educational platforms like Canvas and Microsoft Word.

The service is designed to support teachers, students, and writers by ensuring the integrity of text and preventing false plagiarism accusations. By utilizing state-of-the-art AI detection models, GPTZero aims to maintain academic honesty and the originality of human-authored content.

GPTZero has attracted attention for its user-friendly features that empower people to embrace AI technology responsibly while highlighting potential AI use in writing assignments and documents.

M. Kooiker


GPTZero use cases

  1. Teachers verifying the authenticity of student assignments.
  2. Students checking their work against false AI-generated content claims.
  3. Writers distinguishing their genuine content from AI-written text.
  4. Researchers analyzing documents for AI-generated segments.

GPTZero functionalities

  • Detect AI Content: Quickly identifies AI-written text.
  • Integrate with Platforms: Works with Google Docs, Canvas.
  • Enhance Writing: Provides actionable writing feedback.
  • Verify Authenticity: Proves human authorship of documents.

Pros and Cons


  • Advanced AI detection capabilities.
  • Integration with popular platforms.
  • Tools for improving and verifying writing.
  • Support for a wide range of users including educators and writers.


  • May have limitations in detecting heavily modified AI-generated text.
  • Dependent on the development of AI technology and detection models.

GPTZero pricing

Feature NameEssentialPremiumProfessional
Monthly Price$10/month$16/month$23/month
Words per Month150,000300,000500,000
Batch File Scanning10 files10 files10 files
Plagiarism ScanningNoYesYes
Team FeaturesNoNoYes (Invite team members)

GPTZero reviews


Based on 8 reviews online

Reviews about GPTZero paint a gloomy picture of dissatisfaction and frustration among users. It’s hard to find a silver lining as there isn’t a single mention of positive feedback in the reviews provided, leaving no room to talk about what might be good about GPTZero. The reviews lack neutral commentary on any potential benefits or operational satisfactions users might have experienced, emphasizing the overwhelmingly negative reception.

Many criticisms focus on the software’s inaccuracy, with users highlighting its tendency to produce false positives. A notable complaint came from an individual who tested a research paper and found the software inaccurately flagged it as AI-written. Another troubling report from a seasoned software developer criticized GPTZero for erroneously labeling unique, personal content as AI-generated, challenging the software’s fundamental effectiveness and questioning its coding integrity.

Further complaints ranged from strong accusations against the website’s existence to severe admonishment of its creator, underlining the deep dissatisfaction and harm users feel GPTZero causes, especially in academic contexts. Such reviews underscore a significant discontent and lack of trust in the tool’s utility and purpose.

Given the critical voices and absence of redeeming testimonials, the overall sentiment toward GPTZero is resoundingly negative. The primary issues lie with the software’s accuracy and the negative impact these shortcomings have on users’ experiences and perceptions, suggesting a broad consensus of disapproval and disappointment.

User reviews

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GPTZero alternatives & similar tools

4 (1)

Winston AI offers a reliable AI detection tool with high accuracy, multiple language support, and additional plagiarism checking.

4 (268)

Copyleaks: a comprehensive solution for detecting plagiarism and AI-generated content to ensure content authenticity.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (2)

Crossplag offers plagiarism detection and an AI Content Detector, emphasizing multi-language support and data privacy.

1.3 (28)

ZeroGPT offers accurate AI content detection, productivity tools, and API integration, suitable for various users.

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Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

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Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

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Travelnaut is an AI-driven travel hub providing detailed itineraries and accurate travel information.
ai checker tool

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deepfake detector

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4 (1)

Winston AI offers a reliable AI detection tool with high accuracy, multiple language support, and additional plagiarism checking.

4 (268)

Copyleaks: a comprehensive solution for detecting plagiarism and AI-generated content to ensure content authenticity.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (2)

Crossplag offers plagiarism detection and an AI Content Detector, emphasizing multi-language support and data privacy.

1.3 (28)

ZeroGPT offers accurate AI content detection, productivity tools, and API integration, suitable for various users.

No reviews

Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

No reviews

Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

No reviews

Travelnaut is an AI-driven travel hub providing detailed itineraries and accurate travel information.
ai checker tool

No reviews


No reviews

deepfake detector

No reviews


4 (1)

Winston AI offers a reliable AI detection tool with high accuracy, multiple language support, and additional plagiarism checking.

4 (268)

Copyleaks: a comprehensive solution for detecting plagiarism and AI-generated content to ensure content authenticity.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (2)

Crossplag offers plagiarism detection and an AI Content Detector, emphasizing multi-language support and data privacy.

1.3 (28)

ZeroGPT offers accurate AI content detection, productivity tools, and API integration, suitable for various users.

No reviews

Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

No reviews

Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

No reviews

Travelnaut is an AI-driven travel hub providing detailed itineraries and accurate travel information.

No reviews


No reviews


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About the author

M. Kooiker

M. Kooiker

As an experienced online marketeer with a longstanding interest in AI, I've immersed myself in the latest AI advancements in recent years. Passionate about innovation, I actively test AI tools and dedicate myself to guiding users in selecting the right technology. My mission is to connect people with cutting-edge AI solutions.