The AI Reports


What is GPTZero?

GPTZero helps you detect AI-generated text in documents quickly and accurately, scanning up to 50,000 characters for potential AI involvement. Its advanced models highlight AI probabilities, aiding in maintaining academic and writing integrity across various domains. With integrations for platforms like Google Docs and Canvas, this tool offers a seamless experience for educators, writers, and cybersecurity experts.

GPTZero employs a multi-layered AI detection approach, ensuring high accuracy with minimal false positives. The tool supports educators by encouraging originality and fostering discussions around AI’s role in academic work. For writers, it provides targeted feedback to ensure authentic expression, preserving the human touch in written work.

With features like plagiarism detection, authorship verification, and deep AI scan, GPTZero suits diverse professional needs. Its intuitive interface and interpretability make it accessible for all users, from students to professionals. Explore the comprehensive dashboard to track AI usage and protect against AI-generated content threats effectively.

M. Kooiker


GPTZero use cases

  1. If you are a teacher aiming to preserve academic integrity by identifying AI-generated content in student assignments.
  2. If you are a writer seeking to verify the originality and authenticity of your written work.
  3. If you are a cybersecurity professional looking to prevent AI phishing and fake content creation.
  4. If you are in recruitment wanting to ensure candidate application authenticity.
  5. If you are a machine learning engineer needing to avoid AI-generated data in your training sets.

GPTZero functionalities

  • Detect AI Text: Scan documents for AI-generated content.
  • Plagiarism Check: Find content copied from other sources.
  • Authorship Verify: Confirm original document authorship.
  • Deep AI Scan: Conduct extensive text analysis for AI detection.

GPTZero review summary


Based on 98 reviews online


GPTZero effectively detects AI-generated content, offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, supports features like plagiarism scanning and writing analysis, and is an essential tool for various professional settings such as education and content creation. Many appreciate its quick analysis capabilities and seamless integration with other systems, making it a popular choice for ensuring content authenticity.


Some users experience limitations with GPTZero, such as occasional false positives and difficulties handling mixed human and AI-generated text. The tool sometimes struggles to understand language nuances and may inaccurately classify complex or creative writing. Additionally, some find the free version's limitations and the pricing of advanced features less competitive compared to other tools on the market.

Effective AI Detection

Many users praise GPTZero's ability to accurately detect AI-generated content, which ensures content authenticity and helps maintain trust in written communications.

False Positives and Negatives

Users report that GPTZero can inaccurately flag human-written content as AI-generated and vice versa.

I like that I can detect whether a text was created by AI or by a human, which makes it easier to correct some reports generated where I work.
A negative aspect of GPTZero is its tendency to generate false positives and false negatives.

User-Friendly Interface

The tool is consistently recognized for its easy-to-use and intuitive interface, making it accessible even for non-technical users.

Challenges with Mixed Content

The tool struggles with content blending human writing and AI-generated text, leading to mixed results.

A user-friendly interface, high-quality AI-generated content detection, API and integration with Google Docs, and multi-language support.
One area of improvement would be its handling of mixed content. Sometimes, when a document has a combination of human-written and AI-generated text, the tool struggles to provide clear results.

Comprehensive Features

GPTZero offers a robust set of features including plagiarism check and deep scan, which users find valuable for thorough content analysis.

Limited Context Understanding

The tool may not fully grasp the context or nuances in more complex and creative texts, affecting its detection accuracy.

Deep scanning and plagiarism detection are quite important capabilities, but the writing analysis tool is my personal favorite.
Limited Context Understanding: The tool focuses on detecting AI generation based on textual patterns and might not fully grasp the context or nuanced language used by humans.

Useful for Academic and Professional Settings

It's widely used in education and content creation to verify the originality of work and maintain quality standards.

Free Version Limitations

Some users find the character limit in the free version too restrictive, making it difficult to analyze larger documents.

Particularly valuable for educators, publishers, and content creators who need to verify the originality of their work or the work they review.
Free access limitations: I like the fact that I can detect whether a text is original or is AI-generated rapidly, yet I would say the 5,000 character limit is a drawback when reviewing larger documents.

Integration Capability

Many users highlight its ability to integrate with other applications and systems, enhancing productivity and ensuring workflow efficiency.

Pricing Concerns

The cost of premium features is viewed as high compared to similar tools, which might not be feasible for all users.

It's easy to implement and integrate. I use it frequently, being able to use it 100 times a day because I get daily credits.
The price point is pretty high for what it is. I don't think it is ultimately worth $10-$23 a month for something that is only solving one problem.


GPTZero effectively detects AI-generated content, offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, supports features like plagiarism scanning and writing analysis, and is an essential tool for various professional settings such as education and content creation. Many appreciate its quick analysis capabilities and seamless integration with other systems, making it a popular choice for ensuring content authenticity.

Effective AI Detection

Many users praise GPTZero's ability to accurately detect AI-generated content, which ensures content authenticity and helps maintain trust in written communications.

I like that I can detect whether a text was created by AI or by a human, which makes it easier to correct some reports generated where I work.

User-Friendly Interface

The tool is consistently recognized for its easy-to-use and intuitive interface, making it accessible even for non-technical users.

A user-friendly interface, high-quality AI-generated content detection, API and integration with Google Docs, and multi-language support.

Comprehensive Features

GPTZero offers a robust set of features including plagiarism check and deep scan, which users find valuable for thorough content analysis.

Deep scanning and plagiarism detection are quite important capabilities, but the writing analysis tool is my personal favorite.

Useful for Academic and Professional Settings

It's widely used in education and content creation to verify the originality of work and maintain quality standards.

Particularly valuable for educators, publishers, and content creators who need to verify the originality of their work or the work they review.

Integration Capability

Many users highlight its ability to integrate with other applications and systems, enhancing productivity and ensuring workflow efficiency.

It's easy to implement and integrate. I use it frequently, being able to use it 100 times a day because I get daily credits.


Some users experience limitations with GPTZero, such as occasional false positives and difficulties handling mixed human and AI-generated text. The tool sometimes struggles to understand language nuances and may inaccurately classify complex or creative writing. Additionally, some find the free version's limitations and the pricing of advanced features less competitive compared to other tools on the market.

False Positives and Negatives

Users report that GPTZero can inaccurately flag human-written content as AI-generated and vice versa.

A negative aspect of GPTZero is its tendency to generate false positives and false negatives.

Challenges with Mixed Content

The tool struggles with content blending human writing and AI-generated text, leading to mixed results.

One area of improvement would be its handling of mixed content. Sometimes, when a document has a combination of human-written and AI-generated text, the tool struggles to provide clear results.

Limited Context Understanding

The tool may not fully grasp the context or nuances in more complex and creative texts, affecting its detection accuracy.

Limited Context Understanding: The tool focuses on detecting AI generation based on textual patterns and might not fully grasp the context or nuanced language used by humans.

Free Version Limitations

Some users find the character limit in the free version too restrictive, making it difficult to analyze larger documents.

Free access limitations: I like the fact that I can detect whether a text is original or is AI-generated rapidly, yet I would say the 5,000 character limit is a drawback when reviewing larger documents.

Pricing Concerns

The cost of premium features is viewed as high compared to similar tools, which might not be feasible for all users.

The price point is pretty high for what it is. I don't think it is ultimately worth $10-$23 a month for something that is only solving one problem.

GPTZero user reviews

Best free tool for AI content detec...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
GPTZero has a sleek, user-friendly interface. Even if you're not technologically knowledgeable, you'll find ...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
GPTZero has a sleek, user-friendly interface. Even if you’re not technologically knowledgeable, you’ll find it simple to explore and use its features. The material created is surprisingly cohesive and contextually relevant. It’s been a wonderful tool for writing articles and creative works, giving me a firm base to develop and customize. Review collected by and hosted on
What do you dislike about GPTZero?
For very complicated or specialist issues, the information may lack the necessary depth and specificity. It can offer an excellent overview but may not always capture the precise insights necessary for in-depth study. Review collected by and hosted on
What problems is GPTZero solving and how is that benefiting you?
How to distinguish between human generated content and AI-generated content is central to the issue of ensuring authenticity in various domains, safeguarding your credibility. It identifies AI-generated text, effectively combating disinformation and ensuring that information quality is guaranteed. This in turn means greater transparency and reduced risk of mis-information spread for those at the receiving end. Also it enables users to see for themselves whether or not content is humanly written.The upshot: GPTZero thus offers a more reliable and virile method for humanly telling written works apart from true sources than was available before. Review collected by and hosted on
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Great for evaluating AI content den...
Overall, it's one of the stronger AI detection tools out there. I strongly recommend using this in conjunction with one or two others.<b...
Overall, it’s one of the stronger AI detection tools out there. I strongly recommend using this in conjunction with one or two others.
What GPT Zero is great for is giving you a spectrum assumption of how much of your content is likely to be AI-generated versus human generated. It displays the assumed quantity of sentences that it believes to be AI out of the whole total. For example, it might return a result that your content is 75% likely to be AI-written and show you that 60/80 sentences were detected as containing AI content. It’s pretty handy in getting a quick view of what amount of your content is likely derived by AI.
It’s not always entirely accurate, and can often be swingy in it’s interpretations of what’s AI and what isn’t.
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Best AI Detector
What do you like best about GPTZero?
The best part is ability to detect AI generated content with 95% accuracy. As a lead manager my daily task i...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
The best part is ability to detect AI generated content with 95% accuracy. As a lead manager my daily task it to check the content originality and integrity. I always need to check the content before submitting further. With this I can easily able to detect the content that it is written by a human or AI, this tool is a lifesaver for me. I just need to provide the content and It analyzes the content and highlights whether it’s written by a human or AI in few seconds. I can easily upload the file and it will analyse it and give me a detailed report that which part is written by human, AI or AI altered content. Review collected by and hosted on
What do you dislike about GPTZero?
One area of improvement would be its handling of mixed content. Sometimes, when a document has a combination of human-written and AI-generated text, the tool struggle to provide clear results. Review collected by and hosted on
What problems is GPTZero solving and how is that benefiting you?
It helps our business by safeguarding the quality and originality of the content. Sometimes we hire some freelancer content writter, at the time of the content submission we needs to check the originality because in the era of AI everyone tries to become smart but AI generated content is not much likeable by google searches. So we need to check the originality and that time it comes in handy and helps our business and website to not get filled with AI generatd data by detecting AI Content easily.GPTZero helps us maintain high standards, which is essential for building trust with our clients, partners and google alogrithms, ultimately supporting our long-term success. Review collected by and hosted on
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GPT zero scan and feedback review
What do you like best about GPTZero?
GPTzero is an ai-model which helps in identifying ai-generated content or not. It has tutorials which makes ...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
GPTzero is an ai-model which helps in identifying ai-generated content or not. It has tutorials which makes it easier to magtviate through the system interface itself.
It indeitifes any errors, and shows if the sentences are plagiarized or not with the plagiarism scan feature. It still generates AI-text. It also helps you show how authentic your writing is by using a sentence by sentence analysis particularly in essays for institutional purposes or other types of work in different work or professional settings. Review collected by and hosted on
What do you dislike about GPTZero?
It may struggle with higher creativity of writing styles, where it may or may not confuse the two. Where AI writing and human language is intertwined. Nuances where we can understand it can be challenging. it may or may not have accuracy problems depending on the quality of the types of writings it generates. The type of data fed into it also matters thus causing toxic behaviors like hallucinations or writing biases. Review collected by and hosted on
What problems is GPTZero solving and how is that benefiting you?
It encourages writers to stick to what it means to having academic integrity in their writings of sorts. Verifying the authenticity of what they produce ensures journalists and public writers take their work more seriously and work hard at producing authenticity. It motives for transparency in the work we produce for various purposes. If we users can comprehend the organic process of the content we produce then we are more likely to understand how academic integrity works from a authorship’s perspective rather than taking shortcuts that may lead to other problems in any type of writing – whether it may be journalistic, business, technical, creative or professional, etc writings. Review collected by and hosted on
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The most accurate AI Detector on th...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
1. It can detect if my written work is either written by AI or by a human 90% of the time.
2. It's easy...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
1. It can detect if my written work is either written by AI or by a human 90% of the time.
2. It’s easy to use.
3. For the pro subscription, there are a number of features such as having a plagiarism checker and a deep scanner which can show you which sentences are more likely written by an AI or human.
4. It’s easy to implement.
5. I can use it frequently, being able to use it 100 times a day because I get daily credits. I like that it’s FREE.
6. It’s also easy to integrate. Review collected by and hosted on
What do you dislike about GPTZero?
1. If the AI detector can’t tell if the written work is made by AI or by a human, it will say it’s mixed. You will need Deep scan to check each sentences which are made by human or AI.
2. The customer support is a bit slow Review collected by and hosted on
What problems is GPTZero solving and how is that benefiting you?
– It checks if my written work is acceptable in industry standards and it isn’t labeled as AI work.
– It also checks if my work is considered contains specific texts that are closely similar to other text of other written works. Review collected by and hosted on
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GPTZero: Amazing Ai Checker
What do you like best about GPTZero?
I really like to use GPTZero because it's easy to use, I can find which ones are AI generated in just one cl...
What do you like best about GPTZero?
I really like to use GPTZero because it’s easy to use, I can find which ones are AI generated in just one click. And the features like deep scanning, plagirism scanning and my favorite one is Writing Analysis. I can easily connect with the Customer Support if I have questions or need some help with my account. Review collected by and hosted on
What do you dislike about GPTZero?
I can’t think anything that I dislike about GPTZero, maybe because it’s not free. I only have limit of 10,000 words per month but it’s ok, it’s a big help with my work. Review collected by and hosted on
What problems is GPTZero solving and how is that benefiting you?
As one of the manager, I was the one to check and proofread the blogs my other co-workers send so by the help of GPTZero I can easily point out which blogs are AI generated.
Also, I am also writing blogs so the feature Writing Analysis is my favorite one because it helps me improve the way I write blogs and that’s totally amazing! Review collected by and hosted on
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Not perfect but better than the oth...
It is the most accurate of the 4 AI detectors that I tested.
It produced accurate results 60% of the time when analyzing...
It is the most accurate of the 4 AI detectors that I tested.
It produced accurate results 60% of the time when analyzing human generated content and 85% of the AI generated content
That it still inaccurately detected 40% of the human content as AI
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When considering integrating GPTZero, you’ll benefit from its strong AI detection capabilities and intuitive interface, making it accessible even for non-tech-savvy users. It offers a range of features, such as plagiarism and deep scanning, which are particularly useful in educational and professional settings to ensure content authenticity. The tool integrates well with other platforms, enhancing workflow efficiency. However, be prepared for occasional false positives and negatives, especially with mixed human and AI content. The free version has its limits, and the cost may be high for premium features compared to other options. The overall sentiment about GPTZero leans positive, especially regarding its core functionality and ease of use, but with noted room for improvement in handling complex text nuances and pricing models.

GPTZero pricing

Here is a breakdown of the pricing plans available:

Essential Premium Professional
Price (Monthly) $10 $16 $23
Price (Monthly, if paid annually) $10 $16 $23
Words per month 150,000 300,000 500,000
Additional Features Plagiarism scanning Multilingual AI detection Military Grade Data Security
AI Deep Scan No Yes Yes

User reviews

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GPTZero alternatives & similar tools

4.3 (346)

Copyleaks is an AI-driven platform that checks content for plagiarism and AI generation, ensuring originality and security across multiple languages.

4.2 (14)

Winston AI detects AI-generated content and ensures text originality, supporting various languages with high accuracy.

4.1 (8)

Crossplag offers an advanced plagiarism detection tool with AI support and cross-lingual compatibility, ensuring academic integrity in over 100 languages.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (72)

ZeroGPT detects AI-generated text and offers text editing tools with high accuracy, available on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram.

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Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

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Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

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Travelnaut is an AI-driven hub for planning comprehensive trips, offering itineraries, cultural insights, and dining suggestions.
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4.3 (346)

Copyleaks is an AI-driven platform that checks content for plagiarism and AI generation, ensuring originality and security across multiple languages.

4.2 (14)

Winston AI detects AI-generated content and ensures text originality, supporting various languages with high accuracy.

4.1 (8)

Crossplag offers an advanced plagiarism detection tool with AI support and cross-lingual compatibility, ensuring academic integrity in over 100 languages.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (72)

ZeroGPT detects AI-generated text and offers text editing tools with high accuracy, available on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram.

No reviews

Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

No reviews

Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

No reviews

Travelnaut is an AI-driven hub for planning comprehensive trips, offering itineraries, cultural insights, and dining suggestions.
ai checker tool

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deepfake detector

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4.3 (346)

Copyleaks is an AI-driven platform that checks content for plagiarism and AI generation, ensuring originality and security across multiple languages.

4.2 (14)

Winston AI detects AI-generated content and ensures text originality, supporting various languages with high accuracy.

4.1 (8)

Crossplag offers an advanced plagiarism detection tool with AI support and cross-lingual compatibility, ensuring academic integrity in over 100 languages.

3.4 (5) leverages AI to offer entrepreneurs fast and profound business validation with a suite of customizable tools.

2.9 (72)

ZeroGPT detects AI-generated text and offers text editing tools with high accuracy, available on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram.

No reviews

Socratic revolutionizes software project management with AI, making planning, tracking, and analysis more efficient.

No reviews

Alturis offers AI-driven administrative solutions to expedite and refine patient care in medical practices.

No reviews

Travelnaut is an AI-driven hub for planning comprehensive trips, offering itineraries, cultural insights, and dining suggestions.

No reviews


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About the author

Picture of M. Kooiker

M. Kooiker

As an experienced online marketeer with a longstanding interest in AI, I've immersed myself in the latest AI advancements in recent years. Passionate about innovation, I actively test AI tools and dedicate myself to guiding users in selecting the right technology. My mission is to connect people with cutting-edge AI solutions.